Sunday, November 23, 2008

I have been pretty busy since I came home. I have cleaned until I am tired of it. I have been looking on all the blogs that I have and let me tell you, I could do it all day.

Here is a few of the projects that I have going. I did finish the eagle latch hook rug. I will post a picture of it later. I haven't finished the quilt or framed the butterflies. Maybe I will get the chance to later.

Right now I am trying to find out about rug punching. If anyone knows about it I would be greatful for any information.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am home now . It sure feels good to be home after 7 weeks. I enjoyed most of my time in Iowa even though I had to work. I made some very god friends while I was there. To be honest I feel like they were my best friends and I am going to miss them so very much.It is very unusal for me to find people who like the same things I do. Usually I am in the feild all the time and I never really meet the wives or secertary of the people I work for. I felt really at home with them. This is me bothering them at work. Now why does everyone run from the camera? My boyfriend made friends also. My friend took me to a little quilt shop out in the country. It was wonderful and busy! I don't have a picture of that I wish I did. I also went to a church craft show. There were lots of booths of homemade crafts. I didn't get to see all of them because it was closing by the time i got off work. Ooops, looking back I am the lady in the hat and my boyfriend is in the long work suit. I have more pictures to add but I don't know how to make them line down in a row. The top picture is Jessie. He hates the cold. When he has to go outside, he runs in and under his blanket he goes. He was spoilt while he was there. When it was cold, my friends would keep him in there office. They had stove in one room. Jessie took over their chair as you can see in the picture. I will try to figure out how to write and add my pictures a little better. It is time to do some house work. Go to go.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Punch needle

I love to do punch needle. I feel in love with it and now everything I see I wonder if I can do a punch of it. I am doing my kitchen in coffe cups and I found a few patterens that I did. I have tried twice to put in a picture of them,but for some reason I can't. If anyone knows why, I could sure use the help. Anyway I also do a few other crafts, maybe I can get a picture of them for you. I hope to be home in a few days, maybe then i can sit and figure it out. Wish me luck!

Yea! these pictures are from a swap that we did in my pn group. They are freg. magents. I love them. I am still in Iowa, but when I get home I will blogg about my trip.

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